Turning Stitch, version 2b, 2+tr+2 (Joutseno)
Joutseno (Finland) 2+tr+2 tr = 1 loop is 'turned' by hand, anti-clockwise (ie the loop looks bit like a twisted knit loop), and the needle is inserted into the loop only then.
Video (link)
Turning Stitch, version 2b, 2+tr+2 (Joutseno) front side |
Turning Stitch, version 2b, 2+tr+2 (Joutseno) reverse side
Personal communication 7/2011 with a nalbinder from Joutseno.
Compare this stitch (2+tr+2) with Turning Stitch version II, 2+tl+2, in which the loop-to-be-turned is 'turned' with the needle, by picking up the loop from back to front, needle tip to left (ie in this version (2+tl+2) the 'turned' loop does not look like a twisted knit stitch).
You can read more about the Finnish Turning Stitches on page Stitch Grouping by Toini-Inkeri Kaukonen (link).